During these special times, it is a great opportunity to bring yourself back to your own inner home. You are invited to connect deep inside with yourself – with your own heart and mind – to allow your true-self to wake up and ignite recovery, rejuvenation, vitality, inspiration, motivation and overall well-being from within. Being compassionate and free to open your heart and mind completely encouraging an intention for the world to recover and unite as one family and one heart.
We would like to bring the essence of Zhineng (Wisdom) Qigong Science as a life changer and hope to everyone. We are together to heal, grow and progress. By uniting our forces, we build a powerful and strong Qi field for ourselves, for protection, prevention and overall well-being of our families, children, colleagues, communities, economy, nature, environment, planet earth and overall for the whole human society.
Our program is meant to support you with:
- Staying cool, calm and collected even when the world you have known up until now is tumbling down
- Master the art of possibilities and gratitude during times of crisis, discomfort and confusion
- Going even deeper inside into the home of your own heart and mind to ignite ideas and solutions from deep within for the next steps in your life
- Experience real inner peace and joy, mental strength and stability
- Ignite trust and relaxation to become stronger than ever
What we achieved so far
Chart 1: “70.83% of previous participants perceived the program as extremely relevant to current challenges in their lives”
Chart 2: “83,33% of participants perceived the methods and meditations in the program as highly effective”
What we achieved so far
Zhineng Qigong Master and Co-Founder of Hunyuan Qi Therapy Association: Yuantong Liu
Master Yuantong Liu has been engaged in Zhineng Qigong Hunyuan Qi Therapy healing and teaching for more than 30 years. He successfully accomplished the rigorous teachers program in the Zhineng Qigong Hua Xia Qigong Center – known in the West as the first „medicine-less hospital of the world“ (near Beijing) under the guidance of Dr. Pang Ming. He continued to work closely with Dr. Pang Ming for 10 years. He has supported the healing of thousands of people. Among other things people healed from mental, chronic and terminal illnesses. He teaches the principles of Zhineng Qigong Healing in his own Qigong Center in China, as well as in Europe, the USA, Mexico, South Africa, Indonesia and Malaysia. His commitment to sharing the essence of Zhineng Qigong Science globally is based on his vision to allow as many people as possible to benefit from the wisdom, beauty and easy, yet effective tools of this scientifically proven self-healing art. Healing, inner wisdom, balance, increased self- awareness, trust and confidence are concrete results of studying and learning from Master Yuantong Liu.
Zhineng Qigong Teacher and Co-Founder of Hunyuan Qi Therapy Association: Britta Stalling
For more than 25 years, Britta has been studying, practicing and teaching various methods of holistic health management and personal development based on the principles of Zhineng Qigong science and Hunyuan Qi therapy. She has been teaching internationally since 2006, including in South Africa, China, the USA and Europe. She has been trained by various international coaches and trainers from the USA and Europe as well as various Zhineng Qigong masters from China.
In 2014, Master Yuantong Liu and Britta founded the international Hunyuan Qi Therapy Program to share the theories and methods of the medicineless hospital founded by Prof. Dr. Pang Ming in China with as many people in the West as possible. By now, more than 250 therapists from 28 countries have been successfully trained based on Zhineng Qigong science and Hunyuan Qi Therapy.
The next milestone for Master Yuantong Liu and Britta is the publication of a 300-page book on Hunyuan Qi Therapy. The publication date is planned for summer 2024. In addition, Britta has gained valuable experience throughout her professional life as a certified coach and leadership trainer in an international training organization, focusing on leadership development and personal leadership skills.
Britta is valued by her clients of various nationalities and cultural backgrounds for passing on her knowledge in an authentic, empowering and inspiring way.
What people say about this program
“It is rare to find teachers of this quality with the love and humility you display.”
“I am currently participating in other webinars and can only say that “you play on a very high level”: the content is great and clearly structured. Receiving the audio files for the meditation is pure luxury and you are such a great team!”